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Buying / Selling Land

Land for Sale in Storrs CTFor Buyers
One of the most ambiguous purchases you can make is land.  Making sure you know what you are buying and what you can do with it is critical.  When making the decision to purchase land in Connecticut, whether as an investment, to build a house, or to develop make sure you choose someone who has experience and can guide you through the process.
For Sellers

Valuing land can be very difficult.  What are the best potential uses for your piece of land and how does that affect the value?  Are their restrictions either in the deed or in the town which affect the value?  Are there resources that can be utilized to realize more profit?  When it comes to the complex matter of selling land in Connecticut, make sure you find a trusted professional who can help you maximize the value of your piece of property. 


Contact Ferrigno Realtors today for more information on selling or buying a home in Connecticut.